Hikuri Poppy
Dimensions 90cm x 90cm.
This bandanna was a piece we have wanted to do since the start. We love cacti here, and through many childhood and recent trips to the desert of the Southwest we became enamored with cacti shape and splendor. The shape of the saguaro defines the landscape as much as the mesa. Along with this adoration for this shape is our curiosity of the peyote (Laphophora) cactus. Being somewhat familiar with Hikuri culture, we appropriately named this piece…
We wanted to create a sort of Southwest roadside souvenir graphic mixed with a road “trip”. A bandanna that might be mentioned in a Hunter S Thompson novel, with a color palette from a Carl Redin painting. Something that a David Lynch character might wear…
We hope you appreciate the subtlety but timeless visual design of this one.